Thursday, March 27, 2014

Colored pencil

In the direct picture above I had just finished the head. The eyes are what I want the viewer to be directed too. Not as much detail or color is present in the picture besides the eyes. To make the face more deranged and crazed in appearance I made one eye and one horn larger then it's counterpart. in the other picture I had added to the shading by adding countours to the background using colored pencil. There weren't any challenges in this picture because I put my heart into things I'm passionate about and this picture didn't interest me.i want to apply myself to more areas in the artistic world but I really don't like color as I feel it distracts from the purpose of the art and is harder to add as much detail. I chose colored pencil because it was the lesser evil and I could put slightly more detail than with chalk or pastel. There was no message I was trying to send in this project so I can't truly say it was a success or a failure. it doesn't show off my technical skill or creativity as much as it could, so it is somewhat of a disappointment to me. If I could re-create it I would do it in ink to make it more detailed and add abstract designs in the background. This is the first version I drew

Honestly, I like it more than the final because of it's odd design. I made it more as a joke than as an art peice but it looked really cool so I still like it :P

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